About Us

Making a Difference

World Wellness Education’s purpose is to provide a service to educate individuals, schools, businesses and the community at large about ways to achieve wellness in body, mind and spirit. Our goal is to inspire and encourage others to live a healthier lifestyle today than they did yesterday.

As a non-profit organization we provide a forum that allows individuals to share their stories on how they found health and wellness of the body, mind and spirit. We want to make a difference in those lives that are looking for a change. To provide good information that will allow you to make the choices that are right for you and your family.

Too often we follow the same daily routine – we put our clothes on the same way, we brush our hair the same way, we make the same food choices, the same entertainment choices over and over again. We are not aware of the little changes, the little choices we can make that will help us feel better and in some cases, eliminate what ails us. Our clubs have different speakers at each meeting. Each speaker shares their story and the changes they made to incorporate healthy habits for the mind, body and spirit. Through World Wellness Education we hope to encourage and inspire you with honesty and integrity. Click here to find a meeting near you.

Our Kid’s Outreach Programs assist in educating youth on how to make healthier choices relating to what they are eating, physical exercise and how to use their mind to accomplish their goals.

Our Work Place Outreach Programs provide small businesses with a wellness program designed to help their employees live healthier lives. This plan also helps the businesses by providing an atmosphere for them to have healthier, happier employees who will use less sick time and lower insurance costs.

Our Speaker’s Bureau is a great resource. We have a variety of speakers who will come to your event and share their story of how they overcame their health challenges. We also have industry experts who are available to speak at your meeting, school, business or community event.

For more information on any of our programs, call (352) 455-1025.

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