Natural Pain Relief

By Donna Wormser

Natural Pain ReliefLet me share a few natural painkillers that really work for you…..Yes, at my age and life style pain is part of living but I would like to share for JOINT PAIN season your food with turmeric.  This powerful spice is on par with over the counter and prescription painkillers!!!  Turmeric’s active ingredient, curcumin, soaks into damaged joint tissues, where it shuts down the pain and inflammation triggering COX-2 enzyme says Robin Miller, M.D.  There are many other great benefits of Turmeric that you can find on the internet.

TIGHT MUSCLES, take MSM.  This is another non-prescription item that truly works….Taking up to 3,000 mg of the natural sulfur compound methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) daily revs blood flow to muscles and calms inflammation, easing muscle soreness by up to 82 percent according to doctors at the Oregon Health and Science University in Portland.  It is great for sore race horses and is also great for humans!!!

HEADACHY? Sip peppermint tea.  Barometric flux can trigger headaches, but studies at the Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago show that inhaling the scent of peppermint can ease pain in 10 minutes.  Credit its menthol, which blocks pain signals from scalp nerves.  For a sweet way to get the benefits, sip iced peppermint tea, which also soothes stress.  To make a pitcher, pour 2 cups of boiling water over 4 peppermint tea bags or several fresh sprigs and steep 6 minutes.  Stir in 1/4 cup of honey, the juice of a lemon and 2 cups of cold water.  Pour over ice and enjoy..

STIFF KNEES, rub on sesame oil twice daily .  British Researchers say the plant extract is rich in compounds that lower the production of pain causing inflammatory proteins called cytokines and speed healing of damaged tissues.  Since there is relatively little muscle and fat covering the knees, sesame oil can easily soak into inflamed tissues, soothing pain in just one week!!!!!!!!!!!!


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