Self-Love Journal Week 31



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Self-Love Journal 6/21/16

1This quote is quite a concept. First to be accepted by others when I find it difficult to accept me as I am and second being willing to accept others as they are.

Unconditional acceptance is a lesson I am trying to learn. I am sure it will become one of my greatest takeaways of this journey.  Some day’s acceptance is so easy, and then sometimes it seems so difficult. I am noticing that the days “it’s hard to accept others for who they are,” tend to coincide with the days that I have trouble accepting me for who I am.

Maybe I am feeling grumpy; I am sick or in pain. Maybe I just feel off my game. But in these moments I find that I don’t act like my best self or treat others the best that I can. Sometimes this may mean that I withdraw and sometimes I might just make a snarky comment.

During these times I usually find that I just need space. It is my soul telling me that I need some “me time.” Some time to be alone, to reflect and recharge.

Self-Love Journal 6/22/16

Gary had to go to Orlando for a meeting today, and he stayed over last night.  I had a nice evening at home. I went to bed early and did not to have to engage with anyone or to do anything at all. I read a book and just relaxed.

This gave me some needed time to reflect and to appreciate my life. Our evenings are my favorite part of the day, cooking with Gary and socializing with our family over dinner. However, it is also nice to have a night just to myself.  Plus it is in this me time that I find my balance and that I can refocus on what is important.

Self-Love Journal 6/23/16

In tracking my calories, I have noticed several things.

The first thing I have noticed is that the majority of days I am easily at my 1200 daily allotted calories and should have no trouble losing weight. This shows me that a lot of my resistance to weight loss is due to my belief system. For a very long time, I have believed that nothing I do will allow me to lose weight. When I weighed myself, I found that I lost about a pound in a half last week. This is a huge first step!

The second thing I noticed is that when I see myself losing weight, I sabotage myself. Most of the time I do not crave sweets but since I have lost that 1 1/2 pounds I have eaten ice cream twice and 5 cookies. I haven’t reweighed myself, but I can imagine that I have gained the weight back. Especially since we went out for wings last night and they seemed to be high in calories as well.

The third thing I have noticed is that I have a tough time staying within my macronutrient guidelines. I took a blood test a few years ago that did genetic testing on what macronutrients would be best for my genes to easily maintain a healthy weight.

This test said I should have 40% protein, 40% carbohydrates, and 20% fat. I am having a real hard time with this.

  • Last week my average was 19% protein, 35% carbohydrates, and 46% fat.
  • The week before my average was 21% protein, 46% carbohydrates, and 33% fat.

I have had difficulties increasing my protein content without increasing my fat content.

So the question is what things can I do to help myself?

  1. I can keep tracking the food I eat even when I know that I have blown my calorie content for the day.
  2. I can try to have more protein shakes to help increase my protein content without increasing my fat content.
  3. I can replace more red meat and sausages with chicken, turkey, and fish.
  4. I can have more fruit in the house to help satisfy any sweet cravings.
  5. I can use a tapping exercise for when I crave something to sabotage myself.
  6. I can look for an essential oil to use when I want something to sabotage myself.


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