Wellness Tip No. 8 – The Missing Ingredient for a Healthy Life

When I ask you what “being healthy” means to you, what do you think about?  Do your thoughts go to your body? Are you thinking of a particular ailment that you are currently dealing with?  How about the exercise you probably aren’t doing enough of?  Or the unhealthy choices you are making when it comes to your food?

All of these play a role in our health. However, we often forget one key ingredient.  Our mind is used in every conscious thing we do and it plays a huge part in our unconscious decisions and actions. However, it amazes me at how little credit people give it. How people treat it so insignificantly that they will not even consider changing how they program it.

Yes, I said program it. Your mind is very pliable, if you do not like the results you are getting in your life. If you do not like the thoughts running through your mind – you can change it by changing the programming.  I am so tired of hearing people say, well that is just the way I am, or this is the way I was born —- UGH!  Seriously, You have a choice on the way you are, you have a choice on the way you think. Just because you are CHOOSING not to change anything does not mean that you could not make a different choice if you wanted to.

We have been learning a lot about what and what not to feed our bodies inside and out. However, there are other elements that we need to pay attention to in order to be healthy. We have to pay attention to what we are feeding our minds.

How do you feel after you have been thinking negative thoughts? I know this sounds silly. Because you are probably thinking well of course, I feel “negative”.  How do you feel though when you hang around someone who is always complaining or after watching or reading something completely depressing.  Pretty awful, huh. Do you enjoy feeling this way?

Then why do you keep subjecting yourself to it day in and day out. You really do attract what you think about. Therefore if you are surrounding yourself with negative, violent, and depressing thoughts and images this will be your reality. This is what you will see in the world around you. It will be very difficult for you to see the positive in any situation. It will be very hard for you to find good in those that surround you.

Now how do you feel when you are doing something that makes you smile and laugh?  How do you feel when you are hanging out with those that you love?   I know, another silly question. And it would be a silly question if we really did get it. However, it is so difficult for most of us to understand that we do have complete control over our lives and our health. All we have to do is pay attention to what we are reading, watching and listening to. We need to pay attention to who we are hanging out with and we need to pay attention to our self-talk.

Stress is a huge factor in the cause of all diseases.  Whether or not you recover from any particular disease depends on how you handle stress. In today’s world, we have so many more stressors than our ancestors did.  It is somewhat sad when you think that the cavemen had it easy. At least they didn’t have to worry about being able to pay the mortgages, the doctors, the hospitals and everyone else who wants a piece of the financial pie that seems to constantly be getting smaller.

Taking control of your mind is essential to living a healthy life and when you are able to do so your stress levels will decrease dramatically. Here are a few tips.  Eliminate as much as you can from your life that brings negativity or depression. Turn the channel, change the book. Replace these with things that are positive and that bring you hope. Be careful to keep your whining and complaining to a minimum. Look for the happy people in your life and hang out with them more. Do things that make you happy. Make sure you get enough sleep and take time to listen to the birds, watch the waves cross the lake and feel joy in your life.


Traci Brosman has a passion to learn. Her main studies have been in relation to the mind. How we can create success and balance in our lives along with how positive and negative influences affect us.   Traci is a “serial” entrepreneur, owner of Coaching to Success, a professional speaker and an author. She is also a local television and radio host.

Believing in the value of doing what it takes to improve her life and the lives of those she comes into contact with, Traci thoroughly enjoys her work with World Wellness Education and Coaching to Success. “I love the fact that I get to connect with so many professionals on what it means to be healthy — body, mind and spirit. Then I get to take this information and share it with the world — one community, one story at a time. It is wonderful to be able to do the things I love and then give back to others what I learn.” Brosman is dedicated to encouraging and inspiring others with honesty and integrity.
This information is not meant to be medical advice. No action or inaction should be taken solely on the contents of this information. Instead, you should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to your health and well-being.

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