Self-Love Journal Week 26



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Self-Love Journal 5/2/16

I’m journaling for a few minutes before I begin my walk today. Yesterday was a rest day from my workouts and the day got away from me. I watched MJ in the morning and made Heather and Gary breakfast. Then I spent the rest of the day putting the house back together. Even though it was a rest day, I burned plenty of calories with at least 30 flights of stairs. I hope my calves feel better for my walk tomorrow because they are really rough tonight.

It feels good to have the closets organized again, and I moved my office out of our bedroom and into the spare bedroom overlooking the pond. I think I am going to enjoy working from there.

I am excited about my week. I have two big meetings on the schedule and life could love me even more than it does by opening the doors needed for these accounts to highly consider private label possibilities with us. Plus send me the label I need from another account that I have been working on.

i am grateful forMy intention today is to do my very best at my job for my clients and also for my company.

I can have more fun today by making sure that tonight we have a good time either cooking dinner or if it is just Gary and me by going on a date. 🙂

I envision that I will have lots of sales today and that I will move forward to the next step on four major accounts.

I am grateful for the work that I do and for my friends and family. I am thankful that my house is clean, that I have new carpet and that a lot of organization was completed this weekend. I am grateful for Gary that he takes such good care of me and is always there for me. I am grateful that I finished my workout this morning and that I feel fantastic. I am grateful that my back is feeling good and that I very rarely get hot flashes anymore.

Self-Love Journal 5/3/16

I am looking forward to my day. It should be a good one. I am going to try a new organizing structure of using 50-minute blocks to get things accomplished with a 10-minute break in between to stretch breathe etc. We will see how it works.

I have done really well drinking my 80 Oz of water each day. Although I am not noticing that I am not losing any water weight as a result. Regardless I know all of the positive health benefits so I will continue.

My intent today is to make 40 phone calls, clean up a little of the CRM and send three emails with two additional accounts follow-ups.

I will also do my workout and enjoy a nice evening with Gary and Brooke.

We also get our new flooring for downstairs delivered today. It will acclimate to our house this week and then be installed next week. 🙂

Self-Love Journal 5/4/16

it is through loving ourselvesSo it is the end of the day, and I didn’t get a chance to write earlier. I even had to do my workout tonight instead of this morning. I am proud of myself though because I made sure I did it and didn’t come with reasons not to like I do so often at night.

Yesterday was fun. Gary got off early, and we went with Brooke to see the movie Criminal with Kevin Costner. It was pretty good and just fun to go out. Then we came home, and he and Brooke made us homemade Shrimp and Scallops Fettuccine Alfredo. It was gluten free but definitely not fat-free, but it was oh so delicious.

As I write this, he is doing tonight’s dinner dishes. 🙂 I am such a lucky girl to have a true partner around the house.

Tomorrow I have to get up early and get out of the house by 6 am. I will come home and do my challenge so that I can be off on Friday.

I am also looking forward to our date night on Saturday night and then Sunday is a beach day. Woohoo. Lots to look forward to. I am thankful for the fun that is in my life this week.

The 50 minutes of work and 10 minutes of a break hasn’t worked out well at all. Maybe I will try it again in the future.

Self-Love Journal 5/5/16

Well, I haven’t weighed myself in a while, but I was able to move up a notch on my belt today. That was exciting, and my love handles are disappearing. My arms challenge will be done on Sunday, and I have to say that I have noticed a difference there as well. There is still not a visible definition but I can feel the muscle under the flab, and they don’t jiggle like they used to. 🙂 I feel confident that with continuous work that I could see definition in my arms by the end of this 90-day challenge.

I have continued drinking my 80 oz of water and am definitely peeing a ton.  I am sure that this contributed in the dropping a belt notch as well.

Today I start another module on my automatic body. It is on boosting metabolism.

Self-Love Journal 5/6/16

I have been exhausted all day. I don’t know if it’s just that it’s Friday or what. I did get a nice walk in this morning and a workout, but I have to say that I was in no mood to do any of it. I also had to force myself to work. I just wanted to curl up and take a nap. It is nine at night and Gary is still at work. I hope he is home before 10, or he might find me sound asleep on the couch.

Tomorrow will be a better day. I look forward to sleeping in and working a little bit and then it will be date night. Woohoo. I am excited to go to dinner at PF Changes with my babe.  Then Wine tasting at Coopers Hawk Winery and maybe even a splurge for dessert at the Cheesecake Factory. We normally would not go all out like that but Gary gave me the gift cards for Easter, and we haven’t used them yet. It should be a fun night.

Self-Love Journal 5/7/16

Well, it is Saturday, and I am happy to say that I have finished my walk and my arm and abs challenges. I am proud of myself for doing my work out on the weekend which is normally difficult for me. However, I am at a point in these challenges that is completely wicked. My arms feel like jello, and I pray that I don’t laugh or sneeze anytime soon. My poor abs.

The good news is that I did the work, though, and I am sure it will pay off.

Gary went on my morning walk with me today. I love this man so much. He does so many things for me. For instance, he has been buying me pre mother’s day gifts all week.

I love cinnamon bears, but they are really hard to find these days. He couldn’t find any place that carries them so he ordered some online for me and probably paid more for shipping than the cinnamon bears cost him. On Thursday night, he gave me a Carrabba’s gift card and last night he gave me two yoga DVD’s.

Tonight is date night. I am so excited. It is 1:00 now and I have a ton more to do. Gary should be home around 4. I have about an hour and a half before I have to get ready. Heather will be here to do her bills around 3. Still a lot to do. I want to edit my journals and hopefully, do my bills before she gets here.

Reading Life Loves Me, there is a passage by Louise Hay

“Trust that your inner guide is leading you and guiding you in ways that are best for you, and that your spiritual growth is continuously expanding. No matter which door opens or which door closes, you are always safe. You are eternal. You will go on forever from experience to experience. See yourself opening doors to joy, peace, healing, prosperity, and love. Doors to understanding, compassion, and forgiveness. Doors to freedom. Doors to self-worth and self-esteem. Doors to self-love. It is all here before you. Which door will you open first? Remember you are safe; it is only changing.”

Later in this chapter, Louise says: “Until you love yourself, you will never know who you really are, and you won’t know what you’re really capable of.”

And finally, she says, “Teach only love, for that is what you are.”

I really needed these passages today as I try to help Heather and Marcus become financially stable. I  have been digging deeper and deeper into their finances. How can kids so young, make so many poor choices and bury themselves so deep? I have so many judgments and so many harsh feelings. I have to remember though that the underlying reason why she is in this mess is that she often self-sabotages her life, and this comes from the lack of love she has for herself. Somehow as her mother, I not only need to teach her financial responsibility but also self-love. It is through loving ourselves that we make better choices for ourselves. It is through loving ourselves that we stand up for what is right for ourselves. I pray that my inner guides are with me this afternoon and that they help me convey the wisdom of love in an effective manner that will get through to her and make a difference.





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