Change Your Thinking

Life change doesn’t begin on the outside it begins on the inside and it starts with the way you think.When you need a change in life what do you do? You start with changing your hairstyle, your clothes; you may buy a car, quit your job, or even move to another city. You do this all in the hopes that outside change will make the difference in your life. However, what you soon realize is that your life hasn’t changed at all despite the “changes” you made. The reason your life hasn’t changed is because your thinking hasn’t changed. Life change doesn’t begin on the outside it begins on the inside and it starts with the way you think.

Everything starts with a thought and you have complete control over what you think about. If you think about success then success is likely to follow, and if you think about failure then that is what’s destined to come. Napoleon Hill said, “What the mind can conceive, and believe it can achieve.”

There may be certain things you think about that you can’t do for one reason or another. For example I could never be a professional baseball player now because I’m too old and just not good enough. It would be a tremendous waste of time to try. If you change your thinking and focus on realistic goals then anything is possible. Changing your thinking leads to great things.

James Allen said, “You are today where your thoughts have brought you. You will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you.” You’re where you’re at today because your mind is focused on failure. You worry too much about failing that you subconsciously cause it to happen. The good news is that it’s never too late to change your thinking. I struggled for years going from job to job not believing I could succeed for a variety of reasons. Once I changed my thinking and put my focus in the right direction then doors began to open up for me.

If you are dealing with problems in your life the reason they haven’t improved is because you haven’t changed the way you think about them. Try thinking about problems differently. Think about the opportunities these challenges present.  When you change your thinking and improve your life then you can begin to change the lives of people around you.

The work you put in to change your thinking will be worth it. The reason many people are not successful is because they spend all their time staring at problems. If you have found yourself falling into that deep dark hole start changing your thinking today. When thoughts of failure creep into your mind you need to change them immediately to thoughts of success and accomplishment. You can do what you put your mind to. Don’t waste another minute thinking about what you can’t do, or haven’t done. Think about what you can and will do and watch what happens.

Brian Ronovech started when his wife Wendy was diagnosed with leukemia in May 2010. He started his writing career with fictional short stories, but after his wife’s diagnosis, he became consumed with helping people with CLL and using his writing for that purpose. Brian believes that a positive mental attitude is the foundation to developing healthy lifestyle habits. You have to believe in yourself first to have any chance for success.

This information is not meant to be medical advice. No action or inaction should be taken solely on the contents of this information. Instead, you should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to your health and well-being.


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