Feel Your Way to the Life of Your Dreams

Your thoughts, feelings, emotions and intentions create your life!Your thoughts, feelings, emotions and intentions create your life! Everything you see around right now is a result of this.  This is why visualization techniques that get every sense in your body working are so powerful. The more love, joy and gratitude you can drum up during your visualization exercises the quicker you are to manifest what you want in your life. That is also why worry works so well. Most of us can really get into visualizing very dramatically what we are worried about.

Dr. Emoto, a Japanese scientist, has been able to photograph how our thoughts affect the molecules of water. From Dr. Emoto’s work, we are provided with factual evidence, that human vibrational energy, thoughts, words, ideas and music, affect the molecular structure of water, the very same water that comprises over seventy percent of the human body and covers the same amount of our planet.

Water is a very malleable substance and can easily adapt its physical shape from water to evaporation and to ice. However, its physical appearance is not the only thing that changes, the molecular shape of water also changes. The energy or vibrations of the environment also change the molecular shape of water. In this sense, water not only has the ability to visually reflect the environment but it also molecularly reflects the environment.  Now, imagine if thoughts can do this to water, what thoughts can do to us.

The distilled water looks fairly unremarkable. However, when Dr.Emoto taped the words “you make me sick, I will kill you”.  The water molecules get ugly and angry looking. Dr. Emoto also took pictures of a frozen water molecule that was charged with the words, “I love you” taped to the bottle. It changes into a beautiful crystalline structure.

It is important to truly understand that your emotions and thoughts play a huge role in your health. For example let’s say that you are around someone who has a cold. Your first thought might be “Oh my, I hope I don’t catch that from them. I better be careful and not get too close.” Then a few hours later you might sneeze or you might get a tickle at the back of your throat. Then you think “Oh no, I can’t believe it I am sick. I caught so and so’s cold.” Once you make this declaration, you really are sick within minutes.

However, now that you are aware of how powerful your thoughts are. You can choose to have a different outcome. When you encounter the person with a cold, you can now be aware of what you think. As your old thought pattern starts you can stop it and replace the thought with. “I am so thankful that I have an incredibly strong immune system that keeps me healthy and well.” If you sneeze a little while later or begin to develop a sore throat. Instead of thinking that you are now sick. You can think “My immune system is so strong that it is now doing everything it can to keep me healthy and full of energy.” As you continue to align your thoughts, feelings and emotions with good health and a strong immune system you will see that you are indeed very healthy.

Traci Brosman has studied the mind and the role it plays in success, happiness and health for over twenty years. As co-founder of World Wellness Education she educates and inspires people to live healthier lives via her speaking appearances, TV shows, wellness tip videos, articles and conference calls.

Traci believes integrative medicine will become the medicine of first choice and not the medicine of last resort. This has led her to start Holistic Marketing Mentors and help wellness professionals create ease and flow in their business while increasing profits. Her clients learn to leverage their businesses so that they can help more people and not work twelve and fifteen hour days. Her powerful mastermind sessions are known to help participants break past barriers and stop the cycle of self-sabotage.

Brosman’s latest book, Mastering Your Wellness Business, gives you core business principles to running a successful wellness business and staying sane while doing it.

This information is not meant to be medical advice. No action or inaction should be taken solely on the contents of this information. Instead, you should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to your health and well-being.

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