Are you Dehydrated?

Dehydration can make you feel constantly tired, and cause poor digestion including constipation.Now I know you have heard this before. In fact I would venture to guess that every American above 10 years old knows that it is important to drink enough water. However two thirds of us don’t drink enough water on a regular basis. Ten percent of us do not drink ANY water at all. Think about it, I am sure you know several people that do not drink any water.

This is actually quite scary. More than 70% of your body is water. Every organ is mostly water including your blood, muscles, lungs and brain. Water plays a significant role in nearly every body function. For instants water brings oxygen to your cells, it removes waste from your body, and it regulates your body temperature. Water also lubricates your muscles and cushions your joints.

I have had people tell me that they do not need to drink water; they just need to drink fluids. Well okay, let’s look at some of the fluids you may be drinking instead of water.  There have been recent studies that say caffeinated beverages do not leach your body of its necessary water and can be counted in your daily fluid intake. However, when you are choosing your beverage of choice and you count on it to keep you hydrated. Ask yourself how many chemicals are in this beverage you are choosing? Now remember that one of the reasons you need to stay hydrated is to remove the toxins from your body. Do you really think it is a good idea to add more chemicals that will make your kidney and liver work harder to remove? Remember, moderation is everything. As Americans we tend to believe that we “can’t get too much of a good thing.” Well as you know, we can. Obesity in America is out of control. Americans drink on average 6 caffeinated beverages a day. If these 6 beverages happen to be 12 oz cans of soda, than you have also just consumed 54 teaspoons of sugar on your way to trying to stay hydrated.

Because many of us are constantly dehydrated we don’t really know the symptoms of dehydration. Let me tell you though dehydration can cause a host of problems including high blood pressure, poor circulation, headaches and dry skin. Dehydration can make you feel constantly tired, and cause poor digestion including constipation.

Okay so I know that you are now going to try to drink more water. How much water should you drink?  It is said that a person who weighs 150 lbs should get 94.1 ounces of water each day. If this person eats the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables they will get 20% of their daily water intake from their food. Leaving them to drink 75.3 ounces of fluid each day. This is roughly half your body weight. However, when you do even moderate exercise or if you don’t eat a lot of fruit and vegetables you will need to drink even more liquid.   If you have kidney or adrenal problems or on diuretics consult your doctor on how much water you should drink.

Traci Brosman has studied the mind and the role it plays in success, happiness and health for over twenty years. As co-founder of World Wellness Education she educates and inspires people to live healthier lives via her speaking appearances, TV shows, wellness tip videos, articles and conference calls.

Traci believes integrative medicine will become the medicine of first choice and not the medicine of last resort. This has led her to start Holistic Marketing Mentors and help wellness professionals create ease and flow in their business while increasing profits. Her clients learn to leverage their businesses so that they can help more people and not work twelve and fifteen hour days. Her powerful mastermind sessions are known to help participants break past barriers and stop the cycle of self-sabotage.

Brosman’s latest book, Mastering Your Wellness Business, gives you core business principles to running a successful wellness business and staying sane while doing it.

This information is not meant to be medical advice. No action or inaction should be taken solely on the contents of this information. Instead, you should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to your health and well-being.

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