Stress & Health

Stress & HealthIn today’s society stress seems hard to avoid.  More and more people every day go on medications to manage their stresses.  There are stresses due to the uncertainty of employment, growing demands at work, mortgages, family, relationships, health and the list goes on.  These stresses are most likely not going to go away, but the important thing is finding a way to manage them because the damage that stress has on our health is very serious.

When you think of health risks caused by stress I am sure that the first ones that come to mind are high blood pressure and heart damage, but something that is often overlooked is the role that stress plays with our immune systems.  Studies have shown that people who are under stress are more susceptible to catching colds.  Furthermore people who have suffered life traumas such as the loss of a loved one or who are under stress for prolonged periods of time are more prone to infections and suppressed immune systems.

The immune system is responsible for keeping us healthy and fighting off diseases.  The cells that make up our immune system when we are 50 are the same as the ones that we were born with so it is very important to take care of our immune system.  These cells are with us for life aging the same as we are and carrying with them the memory of all that they have experienced; stress, exposure to allergens, immune suppression and diseases.  When exposed to stress repeatedly our immune system is constantly suffering due to the over production of suppressor T cells and that leaves an imprint on your immune system cells that is carried with you for life.

While moving to Tahiti and living a life of blissful relaxation is probably not an option most of us, there are ways to manage stress without fully abandoning all responsibility.  Exercise, yoga, meditation, positive affirmations and scheduled relaxation time can be great outlets for managing stress.  Taking a short run or walk around the block can be a great way to unwind.  Yoga and meditation help reduce stress and also help expand your focus and ability to clear your mind.  Every person is different, so finding your personal way to manage stress is key.  Whether your way is soaking in a bubble bath, doing yoga or hitting the pavement, your health depends on finding a way to keep your stresses to a minimum.  Once you find healthy ways to manage stress you will notice that you get fewer colds and even have fewer allergies.

Jen Walz

Jennifer Morreale’s passion is running.  It’s a passion she shares with anyone and anything she encounters, including her Italian Greyhound puppy Sprocket who can often be seen running alongside her.  Jennifer believes that anyone can be a runner and has devoted her life to teaching others the joys and benefits of running and how running can help promote overall health.

As founder of Runner’s Realm, Jennifer inspires and motivates others to run through both words and actions.  Jennifer leads by example and has completed many races including the Walt Disney World Marathon, the Iron Girl Half Marathon, the Tri-angle Duathlon and many smaller races.  Never slowing down, Jennifer will soon compete in the Hero-thon in San Antonio, Texas, the Tough Mudder in Tampa, Florida, the Walt Disney World Goofy 39.3 miles in two days and the Runner’s World Half Marathon in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.

Combining her love of running with her desire to help others she has lent her talents to helping organizations meet their fundraising goals.  She is currently working with Team in Training in advance of the Hero-thon to support the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society in their efforts to raise funds to fight blood cancer and recently adding her name to the bone marrow registry hoping to be a match.  Jennifer also works with various other non-profit organizations that promote health, such as World Wellness Education, Relay for Life and Walk 4 Animals helping raise thousands of dollars.

Originally from Upstate New York, Jennifer has lived in six states across the US and now resides in Central Florida where she helps her husband Dr. Joseph Morreale manage his business, The Chiropractic Center. Jennifer holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in alternative medicine from Everglades University, is a certified chiropractic assistant, has written for and been published in numerous health and nutrition publications.  She also sits on the Board of the World Wellness Education and the Early Learning Coalition of Lake County.  In addition to running Jennifer enjoys yoga, stand up paddle boarding, scuba diving, boating, fishing and just about any other outdoor activity.

This information is not meant to be medical advice. No action or inaction should be taken solely on the contents of this information. Instead, you should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to your health and well-being.

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