Health Benefits of Chocolate

By Jean Sumner

Chocolate is Healthy for you!  What an exciting statement to make. Chocolate really is good for you; in fact, it can be described as a super food. But beware; when I am talking about chocolate I am talking about cacao powder.

Cacao is made from the nut or beans of the cacao plant. The cacao beans are actually large seeds within the cacao pod.  These seeds are then made into powder, small pieces called nibs or cacao butter, which you can purchase at your local health food store.

Just imagine eating chocolate to improve your health.  No wonder our ancestors called cacao “the food of the Gods.”

The list of benefits of cacao is quite long.  It has the highest level of antioxidants of any food on the planet!  In fact, cacao has at least 10 times more antioxidants than blueberries, green tea, or red wine. Consuming food high in antioxidants has been clinically proven to dissolve plaque that has built up on the arteries which will benefit the heart and the entire cardiovascular system.

The modern diet is often deficient in magnesium and Cacao is also one of the highest sources of magnesium available.  Magnesium relaxes the muscles, improves bowel function and relaxes the heart and cardiovascular system.

This tasty food also contains 314% of the USDA recommended dose of iron.  Iron is a critical mineral in the function of the oxygen carrying protein hemoglobin which transports oxygen in the muscles.  In addition, as part of many enzymes, iron helps regulate body temperature, immune function, metabolism and cognitive development.

Another benefit of eating cacao is your happiness level!  Cacao contains Anandamide which is known as the bliss chemical.  This chemical contributes to feelings of happiness and well-being.

Cacao also helps you handle stress.  It contains serotonin and tryptophan which are chemicals that create a stress defense shield for you.

Imagine this; eating cacao also helps you lose weight.  I bet you are wondering if you heard what I just said correctly!  You did.  Cacao is so nutrient dense, consuming it curbs your appetite for a longer period of time.

Cacao is the most chemically complex food on earth and its dense nutrients benefit every function in the human body.  All of the compounds in cacao benefit longevity in humans.  The oldest documented living human being was Jeanne Louise Calment of France who lived to be 122 years old. She contributed her longevity to eating 2.5 pounds of dark chocolate per week.

There are many clinical studies that document the benefits of eating cacao.  Harvard completed a study on the Kuna Indian Tribe in Panama.  This tribe is located where there are a large number of Cacao plants.  The Kuna Indians consumed five cups of a dark chocolate drink daily and the study indicated that the Kuna had a lower rate of all major diseases and they also had longer lives.  In 2008, Dr. Gabriel Cousens completed a study that indicated that cacao can benefit those with diabetes.  He concluded that cacao provides the diabetic with needed nutrients and does not raise blood sugar levels.

So enjoy some chocolate today, but make sure that it is made from a good source of cacao and not highly processed milk chocolate.  Here is a wonderful recipe to try out cacao.

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