Health Benefits of Lemon Juice

By Jean Sumner

Did you know that lemon juice which has many health benefits? According to the USDA nutritional data one fluid ounce of lemon juice provides 7 calories, 0.1 grams of protein, 0.1 grams of fat, 2.1 grams of carbohydrate and 23% of daily vitamin C needs.

There are many health benefits associated with lemons.  According to the American Heart Association consuming higher amounts of citrus fruits may lower ischemic stroke risk for women.  Women who ate the highest amounts of citrus had a 19% lower risk of ischemic stroke than women who consumed less citrus.

Since lemons are an excellent source of the vitamin C, lemon juice can help fight the formation of free radicals which are known to cause cancer.

Vitamin C applied topically can fight skin damage, reduce wrinkles and improve overall skin texture.  Vitamin C plays a role in the formation of collagen, the support system of your skin. Since lemon juice contains so much vitamin C using it on your skin is very beneficial.

Lemon juice can help people who have asthma.  Studies have shown that the risk for developing asthma is lower in people who consume a high amount of certain nutrients, one of these being vitamin C.

The body can absorb iron easily if paired with foods that are high in vitamin C.  Iron deficiency is one of the most common nutrient deficiencies in developed countries and a leading cause of anemia.  So squeeze lemon juice on your salad to allow for better absorption.

Lemon juice can build up your immune system.  Foods that are high in vitamin C and other antioxidants can help the immune system battle germs that cause a cold or flu. 

Consumption of fruits and vegetables of all kinds has long been associated with a reduced risk of many adverse health conditions.  Many studies have suggested that increasing consumption of plant foods like lemons decreases the risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease and overall mortality while promoting a healthy complexion, increased energy, and overall lower weight.

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