Health Benefits of the Lowly Potatoes

By Jean Sumner

The lowly potato gets a bad rap.  Perhaps that is because of what we put on the potato – sour cream, butter, bacon, cheese and any other high fat item we can think of!  But, if you do your research, you will learn that potatoes are extremely nutritious.

Did you know that potatoes were eaten by 19th century English and Spanish sailors to avoid scurvy?  Potatoes are high in vitamin C and one medium potato provides ½ of the recommended daily intake.  They are also rich in vitamin B, folate, potassium, magnesium and iron. 

Consuming potatoes can lower your blood-pressure.  Studies have shown that potatoes contain blood-pressure lowering molecules called kukoamines. 

Sixty different kinds of phytochemicals and vitamins have been found in the potato skin by the Agricultural Research Service in Navarre.  So, it is best not to peel the potato.  Of course this is my favorite part.  Many of these components of the potato help protect against cardiovascular-disease by lowering the LDL-cholesterol.  The B vitamins found in potatoes reduces levels of homocysteine.  High homocysteine levels are associated with risk of heart attack and stroke.

Potatoes are also loaded with fiber.  Eating foods with fiber help to support healthy digestion and regular bowl movements which will provide a protective effect from colon cancer.

Twenty one percent of the daily recommended value of Vitamin B6 is found in the lowly spud.  Vitamin B6 is needed for cell renewal, a healthy nervous system and a balanced mood.  It is also used to make adrenaline, hormones that help us respond to stress, and GABA, a substance linked to relaxation and a feeling of wellbeing.  So enjoy those potatoes.

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