Self-Love Journal Week 16



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Self-Love Journal 1/2/16

I am grateful that Gary went for a walk with me yesterday even though I interrupted him in the middle of his weight work out.
I am grateful that Brooke enjoyed her birthday celebration with her friends.
I am grateful that it cost less than we expected since Island of Adventure is going to cost a lot more.
I am grateful that Brooke has some nice friends.
I am grateful that we played Sequence last night as a family and had fun doing it.
I am grateful that I have plenty of choices for my workout this morning.
I am grateful that I have done all our chores except laundry and take down the Christmas tree.

Yesterday was a good day. We all had fun and a lot of laughter. Last night before we played sequence we brought outself-acceptance_final the runes for Brooke and let her draw one. She drew the word Trust. Later we found out that her question was “What did she need to know about getting a car in 2016”? We know that she wants a car now but we plan on getting her one when she starts her junior year. Her fear is that it will go on one of her dad’s lists and never be done. It looks like she is going to have a few months to work on that trust. Lol.

Self-Love Journal 1/3/16

I love this Louise Hay quote that I read recently, “It’s time to put aside all messages that ask you to do anything other than love yourself and focus on creating a stable foundation for lasting change. Self-acceptance is an expansive feeling that can open you up to finding your own answers, beyond what “they “told you.

“The more you love yourself, the more you are guided to what is truly right for you.

In doing this journaling and this self-love project, I have learned to accept myself for who I am and not what I look
like, what I do or how successful I am. Self-acceptance is definitely expansive. I started out with wanting to accept my body image but it has grown to so more than that.

I have also discovered that loving and accepting myself allows me to live my days without judgement and that I have
less stress in my life because of this. I no longer spend hours and hours in judgement of myself on all the things I am doing wrong or that I need to change.

I also agree with Louise that this has allowed me to be more aware of what is truly right for me and that the universe is always providing for me.

Self-Love Journal 1/4/16

It is bedtime and today was Brooke’s 16th birthday. I have to say that it was a fun filled day at Islands of Adventure, slingshotting over Orlando and then Joe’s Crab Shack for dinner. We finished the night dress shopping for her meeting with President Bill Clinton and playing sequence at the condo. She is so funny in that she is so opposite from Heather. Heather would have been on Cloud 9 that she got to buy a new dress where I think Brooke thought it was worse than pulling teeth. I will be gone the rest of the week for work and will not get to see her before she flies to New Mexico but I am sure she will have a great time and she will look beautiful even if she doesn’t believe us. Maybe someday she will learn true self-love a lot quicker than I have. I hope I can be a good influence in this area.

Self-Love Journal 1/5/16

I haven’t been sleeping all that well lately. I have noticed that if I am worried about anything I have difficulty sleeping.

On one hand I feel really good that I usually have nothing to worry about to cause me to lose sleep and, on the other hand, I know that I need to do something about my job to create less worry in my life.

continuing to be grateful_finalI have been looking at all possibilities and I feel confident that the issue will resolve itself in the next month or two.

In the meantime, this gives me a great opportunity for growth in learning how to release my worries when things are out of my control.

I think that trying a meditation and maybe pulling my iPod out and listening to it while I sleep will be a good start. Continuing to be grateful for what I have will also be another step in keeping my worries at bay.

I am grateful that Brooke had a great 16th birthday yesterday.
I am thankful that we had the finances to get her and Helen an express pass at Islands of Adventure.
I am thankful that our owner update for the timeshare was able to be rescheduled for yesterday morning.
I am grateful that I did sleep a little better last night.
I am grateful that I am starting something new today.
I am grateful that Gary is always so supportive yet I can count on him for his honesty as well.
I am grateful that our finances will see a nice increase this year.

Self-Love Journal 1/6/16

It has been said that if there is something you desire and it is not coming to you than you are not on a vibrational match with the thing you desire.

The real questions become then how do you shift your energy or vibrational match or how do you know when it is time to shift what you desire?

I am not sure the answer to these questions. I suppose journaling and meditation play a role in this process and maybe even tapping.

i believeI have always believed that if something is extremely difficult that you have to look at why it is difficult. You also have to ask if it is meant to be. I don’t mean quit just because the going gets rough. In fact, there have been way too many times in my life that I kept plugging away at something because I refused to quit no matter what. However, reflecting back, I can often see that when I felt like I was pushing a square block through a round hole that it was because whatever I thought I wanted was not actually in my best interest.

I believe that while here on earth we don’t always know what is best for us. We often continue with something just so that we don’t fail, so we aren’t quitters. We believe that perseverance is all we need. However, what if this wasn’t the case? What if we listened to the clues that the universe, our angels or God provides us with and changed course accordingly? What if we just allowed ourselves to be in the flow or the zone without any preconceived ideas? What if we trusted the universe to provide for us and to send us blessings? Is it possible that sometimes our “doing” and our “thinking” blocks our blessings and keeps us stuck?

A lot more questions this morning than answers.

Self-Love Journal 1/7/16

I have met some incredible people this week and I know that direction my life was headed has been changed forever. i have been listeningI still can’t go into great detail about it but there are definitely some good things happening on the horizon.

I have been listening to the messages the universe has been sending me and I know that it is time to make some changes.

I have been traveling all week and am headed back this afternoon. It will be really nice to get home and see Gary, Heather and MJ. I get to watch little man tomorrow while she works. I am sure that I should be working instead but it has been so long since I have had quality time with him. I need to take it.

Brooke and Gary are on their way to the airport right now. Brooke will be in Albuquerque this morning and tomorrow she will get to meet Bill Clinton when he comes to do a fundraiser that is being held at Gary’s brother Jims house. This is such a cool opportunity for her.

I am loving my life.
I am grateful that my room had heat last night.
I am grateful that I will get to go on a walk this morning.
I am grateful for the opportunities presented to me.
I am grateful for the people that believe in me.
I am grateful for my family.
I am grateful that I get to go on a cruise in 10 days.
I am grateful for new challenges.
I am grateful for my abundance.

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