Self-Love Journal Week 24



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Self-Love Journal 4/2/16

I am sitting listening to the ocean and talking with Sharon while Jean showers. It is nice to be writing again, and I feel better about taking a break. I know that my head is in a better place, and I feel that I can take on this project again. Before I felt that I was off track and not focused on the mission of this project.

I knew it was time to get back though when I was getting ready for this weekend trip, and I was discouraged about the way my body looks especially my arms and legs and oh my stomach also. Plus nothing fit comfortably. I know I have gained a few pounds over the last month, and a half, and that has not been as much of an issue except now as the weather turns warmer and we start wearing different clothes. Plus I have had the itch to spend more time at the place where I love, the beach and of course it is not a place to be wearing jeans and long sleeve shirts.

I have always been self-conscious about my flabby arms and the cellulite on my legs, but as I get older, this problem gets more pronounced. I have only two options if I am going to continue to move forward with the Self-Love Project. Number 1, I can finally accept it and fall in love with every imperfection or two I can start toning these parts of my body up. I guess there pic1is a third option for me, and that is to find something in between.

We walked 10 miles on the beach today before 3 pm. Wow, let me say we are all a little wiped out. Plus we did a lot of planning work for World Wellness.

I am committing to do more for myself again. Life has calmed down now. I am settling in with the new job and have been doing more walking and meditating. However, it is time to step it up a notch and be more proactive.

I am going to start with doing a 30-day arm toning challenge. Now I have to find one so I can start tomorrow when I get home.

Now we are all taking a break and relaxing for a few minutes before we walk to dinner.

I did find an arm challenge by Jodi Higgs that I am going to try. So 30 days to less flabby arms. I already know what Screenshot_2016-04-02-16-22-55to do for my legs so I will devise a challenge for that as well and will write about what happens.

Heather and I have also talked about ramping up our walks next week to include some running as well.

For my mental self-love, I have pretty much taken a hiatus. I commit to starting my mirror work again and to also moving on to the next chapter of my book by Louise Hay and Robert Holden. I looked, and it is Chapter 7, Healing the Future.

Self-Love Journal 4/3/16

So the thing I love about Jean is that she is the least judgmental person I have ever met. She has never made me feel guilty about what I could or could not bring to the table for World Wellness. Even last night I mentioned that I have slacked in my journaling for the Self-Love Journal and all she says is that it is my journey.

I have had the best weekend with Sharon and Jean. Through this, I have realized how I miss this collaboration and this love. They are an essential part of my well-being. They are an important part of how I feel about myself  Sharon has taught me how to save and how to respect and love myself financially. Jean has taught me so much about forgiveness and self-acceptance.

Without this guidance from both these ladies over  last seven years, I would be a totally different person. I know I would never have made it through my many moves, Heather going to college, or my divorce the way I did. They taught me to have strength and tolerance. They taught me to be patient with myself. They encouraged me to be me at every stage of life. Thank you, Jean and Sharon. I love you dearly for exactly who you are.

We are drinking coffee and listening to the ocean waves watching the sun rise. It is time to get moving and enjoy this beautiful day.


We went for a nice last walk on the beach this morning and had breakfast before heading out this morning. Then I headed north towards home and Jean and Sharon headed west towards their home.

I did a little grocery shopping on the way home, and the first thing I did upon getting home was Day 1 of my Arms Challenge. I have decided that to achieve success that I will only start one challenge at a time. Right now I will start the arm challenge and then over the next several months I will add a leg and stomach challenge. By the time we head for our summer vacation over my 47th birthday, I should be in better shape.

I want to feel fit and strong no matter what my age, no matter what my weight. I want to do this not just because it makes me feel better about the outward appearance of my body but also because it makes me feel better in all areas of my life. I want to feel healthier physically, emotionally and mentally.

So what I am starting is a 90-day challenge to greater health and well-being.

Self-Love Journal 4/4/15

Well, it is Monday morning, and I have a lot to get done today. I am excited about the possibilities this week though and to be on this journey again.

I listened to my book Life Loves You on the way back from Daytona yesterday, and one the exercises that it suggests you do is write a list of 10 things on how life could love you even more. This is what I want to journal about this morning.

  1. Life could love me even more by helping me stay true to this journal with journaling daily on self-love.
  2. Life could love me even more by helping me stay true to my 90-day health and well-being challenge.
  3. Life could love me even more by helping me obtain a strong, fit and healthy body.
  4. Life could love me even more by making it easy to reach my goals at work.
  5. Life could love me even more by making it easy to talk with the decision makers that I need to with my job.
  6. Life could love me even more by having people refer other people to me for work.
  7. Life could love me even more by having all of our kids understand values like courtesy, respect, honesty, and integrity.
  8. Life could love me even more by blessing our retirement funds with extraordinary abundance.
  9. Life could love me even more by enriching all of my relationships with my family, friends, and Gary.
  10. Life could love me even more by helping us with the abundance needed to move back to the beach in about three years.
  11. Life could love me even more by blessing me and those I love with perfect health.

I know that this is 11 things and not 10, and although for the most part we are pretty healthy I also understand that none of the rest matters nearly as much if you don’t have your health.

Now it is time for me to continue with the next step of this journey, day 2 of my arms challenge.

Self-Love Journal 4/5/16

Well, I worked until almost 11 last night working on my route for today and also and awareness/compliance campaign for a client.

Today I am excited because I get to head out and meet several of my new customers out in the field. I pray that my day is blessed with enriching appointments and that I am also being blessed with an abundance of sales while I am gone as well.

I was also thinking as I woke up that another way life could love me more is to help me make better food choices and to be able to realize and stop eating when I have had enough.

Now I have a few things to finish for work, and then I want to do my 30-day challenge before I get ready for work.

Self-Love Journal 4/9/16

20160406_210846Thank God it is Saturday. It has been one heck of a week for both Gary, and I with our workpic4 schedules. We both have extra pressures and duties on us this week calling for longer hours. Then on top of it poor MJ has been to the doctor twice, x-rays once and the emergency room twice.

The poor little man. He has hurt his elbow, and no one knows how or what is wrong. He will see an orthopedic doctor hopefully next week. Plus he ran an incredibly high fever for about 36 hours. It reached 105.9 multiple times, and first, they diagnosed him with hand foot mouth disease and then the next time they diagnosed him with the flu. I feel awful for him and his parents who are so worried about him.

I have been within yards of the beach twice this week and did not get to put my feet in the sand or play in the ocean. It was a bummer deal.

I hope that we can have a relaxing day today and then this afternoon we are taking Heather and Brooke to the fair to see Michael Ray in concert. Heather has thought about not going, but MJs fever has dropped, and Marcus is home to watch him. Plus she needs some fun and a break for just a few hours.

Life loves me. Even though it was a stressful week, I felt pretty good all week. I got enough sleep, and I have done my arm challenge regularly. I went on one walk and will do another walk today. Plus I did stomach and legs several days, and I will do the same today.

It is a little after 7, and I feel great. Gary is getting a bit more sleep and today we have the day of together. Life loves us.

Life can love me more by providing the time for Gary and me to take care of ourselves today. Through taking care of our bodies and also with whatever we choose to do. We originally had a whole bunch of things planned, but we have decided not to push things because we know that we need some rest and fun.


Self-Love Journal 4/10/16

I’m sitting here with MJ. He is so miserable still. His fever has broken, but he now has a sore throat, cough and is has a runny nose. Plus his arm is still bothering him.  Poor little guy.

I don’t think I am going to get much journaling in today since he has decided that he wants to help me type. This makes things difficult, and I don’t want to damage my computer.


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