Soda is No No, Water is a Go Go! Part II

Have you seen the new Coke ad for Seniors?!! “Oh My GOD!!!!” The AUDACITY!!!! It suggests that Coke gives you the energy to do all the things that you’ve never done but now have the vitality to do. It’s genocide!!!!! How unfortunate that big corporations, such as Coca Cola, are pushing poisons on our society, and, that they are allowed to do it! They know how to influence the public through TV ads. That is why it is so important that people like myself speak out, educate as many people as is possible, blow the whistle on these big companies and share the truths. And now, there is more information that I want to share with you in regards to my last column.

We’ve covered the vital importance of water verses every other liquid in my Part I article, now, I want to go into detail of why some other drinks are not good for you, and why they are injurious to your health. I know that some of my readers were thinking, “How can I drink half my body weight in ounces if I’m a 210 pound man?” That would mean drinking 105 ounces of water a day. Well, if you cut out most of the other unnecessary, waste of time and money drinks, such as soda, flavored water, and sports drinks, (which are high in sugar, sodium and artificially colored and flavored), in addition to sugary juices and coffee, you could do it quite easily. Remember that your body loses water everyday, even if you are not physically active. Water is lost through perspiration, urination, bowel movements, and through the lungs when you breathe. Consuming caffeinated beverages and a high protein diet can also cause extensive loss of water from the body. Make water your #1 choice of drink. Now I know what many of you are saying, “I just don’t like the taste of water.” That is because we’re so used to adding flavors and sugars, that we can’t even drink plain old H2O. Ever hear of “Metabolic Reprogramming?” If you have enough exposure to a food or drink, and I mean at least 18 -20 times, you learn to accept that taste, and in many cases, crave it. There is hope!

Juices, milk and other beverages are not substitutes for water. They activate the digestive process, rather than hydrating your body. Even lemons and limes added to drinking water will cause the fluids to be digested rather than being used for hydration. One of the best gifts that you can give your children is to teach them the importance of water, and to help them form the habit of making water their first choice beverage.

It is best not to consume water with your meals unless you are thirsty, choking, or have esophageal reflux. Drinking water during meals dilutes your digestive juices, making digestion considerably more difficult for your system. I have made a conscious effort not to drink with my meals, and I can honestly say, it made a big difference. It is best to drink any time before you eat, and 1 -1 1/2 hours after eating. Also, try to drink your water at room temperature. It is easier on the stomach, and easier to get down.

Now lets talk about soda, and how debilitating it is to the human body. Let me start by saying, that if fire fighters use “Coca Cola” to clean the rust off of their trucks and corrosion from car batteries, imagine what it is doing to the lining of your stomach! OUCH!! The active ingredient in soda is phosphoric acid. It will dissolve a nail in 4 days. Phosphoric acid also removes calcium from the bones, and is a major contributor to the rising increase of osteoporosis.

Another ingredient is sodium benzoate. It is used as a preservative, and most often found in soft drinks, but can also be found in many other foods, condiments and pickles. It is also used as an anti-icing fluid in automobiles, and has been found to become carcinogenic when mixed with the additive “Vitamin C”, and has changed the DNA of mitochondrial yeast cells…….and we wonder why cancer cases have sky rocketed over the past 30 years!

Soda consumption is linked to diabetes, cancer and obesity. A new California study has found a whopping 62% of adults who drink at least one soda each day are over weight. It is liquid sugar! The average California teen consumes 39 pounds of liquid sugar a year, solely from soda consumption. Diet soda is even worse because of the artificial sweetener, Aspartame. I will  be discussing this topic in detail in a future article, but just to give you an example, artificial sweeteners affect the nervous system, endocrine system, damage the kidneys, cause tumors and cancer. Our cells do not recognize it as a sugar.

Now, I don’t want you to think that all bottled waters are created equal. I decided to test the acid / alkaline level in 9 different bottled waters, and the only two that were acidic, were, Dasani and Aquafina. Funny that those two brands are put out by the Coke and Pepsi companies.

It is time to start treating soft drink companies as what they truly are; enemies of public health and financial parasites, that drain the public through increased health care costs caused by their products. Their ads promise happiness, but their products deliver disease. At some point, we as a people have to make a decision; do we continue to sacrifice the health of our children in order to keep these powerful corporations covered in cash? Or, do we force these powerful corporations to sacrifice their enormous profits, in order to save our health, and the health of future generations?

Greed is very powerful in the western world, and it often over shadows compassion. In a world where compassion takes precedence over greed, no one would dare advertise sodas and sugary drinks. But, unfortunately, we live in a world of ingrained American greed, where the Big Pharma and Tobacco Industries, along with the “Junk Food giants”, are accumulating wealth by manufacturing and advertising products that harm the human race.

Only by becoming more educated, and being a participant rather than a bystander, can we put a stop to the daily onslaught of companies who care not about the health and welfare of our children, but rather their own selfish gain. I for one say that time is NOW!

Rodi Alexander Friedman has been an international Entertainer for over 20 years, performing in Theaters, Atlantic City, on Cruise Ships, and working with many celebrities. Rodi’s passion in the education of nutrition is just as strong as her passion to perform. A health advocate for over 20 years, Rodi has spent the last 5 years as a Certified Nutritional Coach, donating her time lecturing in schools, and educating children, teachers and parents on good nutrition and improving their health. She has also worked in the fight against childhood obesity with Shaq’s Kids at the Metamorphecise Fitness and Spa. Rodi has served on the Broward County Nutritional Advisory Committee and has been asked to appear every week with a nutritional message on Broward County’s school TV broadcast system. Her passion and goal is to reach as many people as is possible due to the deteriorating state of human health today. Her lectures are filled with much passion, high energy, and a plethora of information. She has worked as a Health and Nutrition Coach for Dr.Steven Schnur, Cardiologist and Founder of Elite Health at Mount Sinai Medical Hospital in Miami Florida. Rodi is also a writer for ENV Magazine, having her own column and writing a different health article every month. In addition, for the past 15 years, Rodi’s continual association as a board member for the subsidiary of the Organ Transplant Foundation of South Florida has enabled her to bring her expertise and passion for health for generations to come.

This information is not meant to be medical advice. No action or inaction should be taken solely on the contents of this information. Instead, you should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to your health and well-being.

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