Unexpected Opportunities

Unexpected Opportunities

By  Traci  Brosman 

Have you ever encouraged someone to take better care of themselves?  I think at some point we can all recall a time where we recognized that a friend or loved one was neglecting areas in their life. Maybe they were not eating right, had stopped exercising or were experiencing negative health effects. It is so much easier to see what a person should be doing when you are on the outside looking in. I was just having this conversation with a friend of mine. She had been getting on her husband about making an appointment to see the doctor. He was procrastinating and she was very upset over the situation. However, as the conversation progressed we uncovered that her husband was actually a mirror for herself. He was mirroring the fact that she was so busy taking care of everyone else that she was neglecting herself and actually had been for years.

Life is always presenting us with opportunities for growth. Often the things that drive us the craziest in other people are the weeds in our own life that we need to dig down deep and pull up. When we reevaluate what is happening with us, and stop looking on the outside at everyone else, we can make  huge changes that will affect the world around us. This is the time when we can plant new seeds and create new habits that will grow into beautiful blooms and create amazing results. I believe that the best way to make an impact on others is to lead by example and be the very best person I can be. I do this with my daughter by modeling the behaviors I want her to have. I do this with my clients by walking the talk and doing what I tell them to do, even when I do not want to.

Giving my best is not always easy but it is always worth it!

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