Super Foods, Chlorella

Green_AlgaeThe newest food I have added to my daily regimen is chlorella.  Chlorella is a micro algae which is found in fresh water.  Chlorella is loaded with a wide array of vitamins, minerals and nutrients.  Chlorella has been surviving on planet earth for at least 540 million years.  This super food contains almost all the nutrients that the human body needs for good health.  In fact on the History Channel’s Ancient Aliens they speculate that Chlorella was the “manna from heaven” that Moses found in the desert to keep the people alive.

Let’s discuss some of the reasons it is important to add chlorella to your diet.  Chlorella will help you:

  1. Remove heavy metals such as mercury, aluminum and fluoride as well as pesticides such as PCB’s from your body, resulting in clean blood and a healthier body.  Chlorella has vitamins, minerals and nutrients that help detoxify the body. A 1995 study published in the Indian Journal of Experimental Biology found that when administered before or upon exposure to sub-lethal radioactive gamma rays, Chlorella helps to boost levels of colony-forming spleen cells. Such cells exist within the bone marrow and are essential for the production of vital blood elements and immune factors. (…).  The detoxifying power of chlorella is especially important in today’s society.  Although the news media has played down the nuclear disaster in Fukushima, reports by Natural News indicate that we are receiving radiation here in the U.S. In fact infant death rates have soared on the West Coast since the disaster.
  2. Build and strengthen your immune system. With this impressive array of nutrients, this almost perfect food fuels your immune system making it strong and able to fight off any disease. The following list of nutrients are found in chlorella.High quality complete protein.All the known B Vitamins including B12 (great for Vegans)Vitamin C

    Vitamin E





    Many more trace minerals

    Omega 3 fatty acids


    Nucleic Acids


  3. Concentrate and hold mental focus longer.  Studies have shown that high levels of essential fatty acids help you to increase your mental focus.  Since Chlorella has high levels of omega 3 fatty acids it has been reported to aid your concentration and hold your mental focus longer.
  4. Improve your digestion and eliminate constipation.  Chlorella assists the good bacteria to multiply 4 times faster than normal which assists in improving digestion and eliminating constipation.
  5. Eliminate bad breath.  Chlorella’s chlorophyll content is amazing at eliminating bad breath.
  6. Balance your body’s PH.  Since Chlorella is alkaline it can help to move your body to a more alkaline PH.Fight cancer.  Chlorella’s high beta-carotene content works in synergy with vitamin E to fight cancer in early stages.
  7. Maintain your youth.

Think of chlorella as your new multi vitamin, not only does it include most of what a multi vitamin does but it is easily assimilated by your body.

From a practical stand point, I must tell you that chlorella does not taste very good.  But there are ways to get past the taste.  I actually just add chlorella to a small amount of water and drink it.  I figured if I could learn to drink coffee, I can learn to drink chlorella and I must say I don’t mind it any longer.  But there are other options, add it to your smoothie or buy it in capsule or tablet form.

Jean, Eating in the RawJean Sumner has pursued an interest in wellness her entire life. An avid runner, she is passionate about exercise, eating healthy and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.Jean was diagnosed with cancer in May, 2009 this only served to fuel the flames of her passions and encouraged her to learn more about wellness. This diagnosis actually led to the beginning of World Wellness Education with a mission of “Teaching the world about wellness — one story at a time.”

As Jean pursued alternative methods of treating cancer she met countless individuals who had great stories to tell regarding how nutrition, spirituality and exercise helped them to overcome their various illnesses. Since these stories were moving, motivating and timely she thought that each of these stories may make a difference in others lives. With the knowledge that we learn from stories more quickly than other teaching methods an organization was born in hopes to make a difference in the well being of every individual on the planet.

This information is not meant to be medical advice. No action or inaction should be taken solely on the contents of this information. Instead, you should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to your health and well-being.

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