Soaking Your Nuts and Seeds

Soaking Your Nuts and SeedsIt is important to soak your nuts and seeds before you use them in a recipe or eat them. Nuts and seeds contain enzyme inhibitors in their natural, raw, dry state. Mother Nature was so smart. She coated the nuts and seeds with an enzyme inhibitor to prevent the seed or nut from beginning the germination stage before the ground is ready. While this is good for the nuts and seeds it is not good for us. The enzyme inhibitors prevent us from utilizing the naturally present enzymes in the nuts for our digestion and make complete digestion of the nut/seed unattainable.

When you soak the nut/seed this begins the germination stage, in essence we “wake up” the dormant seed and it releases its enzyme inhibitors. The soaking process increases the digestibility and nutrient levels, and decreases the fat content of the seed. Once soaked, the nut or seed is officially “living food”.

  • Soak nuts/seeds 8-10 hours in drinking water.

  • Leave them out at room temperature and keep them covered. Then drain off the soaking water and rinse the nuts/seeds.

  • Finally toss them with any seasonings/flavorings you would like.

  • Allow the nuts/seeds to marinate in the flavorings for a few hours to increase the flavor of the final product. Then spread on a dehydrator tray and dehydrate until dry and crunchy.


Jean SumnerJean Sumner has pursued an interest in wellness her entire life. An avid runner, she is passionate about exercise, eating healthy and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Jean was diagnosed with cancer in May, 2009 this only served to fuel the flames of her passions and encouraged her to learn more about wellness. This diagnosis actually led to the beginning of World Wellness Education with a mission of “Teaching the world about wellness — one story at a time.”

As Jean pursued alternative methods of treating cancer she met countless individuals who had great stories to tell regarding how nutrition, spirituality and exercise helped them to overcome their various illnesses. Since these stories were moving, motivating and timely she thought that each of these stories may make a difference in others’ lives. With the knowledge that we learn from stories more quickly than other teaching methods an organization was born in hopes to make a difference in the well-being of every individual on the planet.

Prior to Jean’s involvement with World Wellness Education she was a bank manager.  With the significant change that was going on in the banking industry, Jean learned that her staff did much better with change if they took it one step at a time.  She has now transferred this learning to the Wellness industry and created small weekly changes that one can make which will lead up to a significant amount of positive change by the end of the year. 

This information is not meant to be medical advice. No action or inaction should be taken solely on the contents of this information. Instead, you should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to your health and well-being.



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