Wheat Grass

By Donna Wormser

grass-435986_640Wheatgrass juice is one of the best sources of living chlorophyll available and is the basis of all plant life.  Chlorophyll is the first product of light and therefore contains more light energy than any other element.

Wheatgrass is high in oxygen like all green plants that contain chlorophyll.  The brain and all body tissues function at an optimal level in a highly oxygenated environment.  Disease cannot exist is an alkaline and oxygenated body.

Chlorophyll is antibacterial and can be used inside and outside the body as a healer.  Wheatgrass is easy to digest and uses very little energy to digest. 

Chlorophyll or wheatgrass rebuilds the bloodstream.  Studies of various animals have shown chlorophyll to be free of any toxic reaction.  The red cell count was returned to normal within 4-5 days of the administration of wheatgrass even in those that are extremely anemic or low in red cell count.

Wheatgrass juice is a superior detoxification agent compared to carrot juice and other fruits and vegetables.  15 pounds of wheatgrass is equivalent to 350 pounds of carrot, lettuce, celery and other nutritious vegetables.

Liquid chlorophyll washes drug deposits from the body.  Chlorophyll neutralizes toxins in the body.  Chlorophyll helps purify the liver.  Chlorophyll helps blood sugar problems.  Wheatgrass juice acts as a detergent in the body and is used as a body deodorant.  It has been known to help tooth decay.  Wheatgrass held in mouth for 5 minutes will help eliminate toothaches.  It pulls poisons from the gums.

Drink wheatgrass juice for skin problems such as eczema or psoriasis. Wheatgrass will keep the hair from graying.

Wheatgrass juice will give you more strength,endurance, health so you will have a better sense of well being.

Wheatgrass juice improves the digestion.  Wheatgrass juice is high in enzymes.

Wheatgrass juice is great for constipation and keeping the bowels regular. Wheatgrass juice reduces high blood pressure and enhances the capillaries. Wheatgrass juice can remove heavy metals from the body, dissolve scars that are formed in the lungs from breathing acid gasses.  Chlorophyll increases hemoglobin production.



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