#1 Tip to Find Balance

#1 Tip to Find Balance-1

by Traci Brosman

Finding balance in our lives is a struggle for many of us. It can seem like there is always so much to do and never enough time to do it. It doesn’t matter what season of life we are in – raising our family, empty nesters, or retirement – life can sometimes feel like it is spinning out of control. However, during these times we have to remember that we control our life – our life doesn’t have to control us. We have a choice every single moment of every single day of what we want to do next. We don’t HAVE to do anything; we CHOOSE to do everything!

Just this simple act of remembering that everything is a choice can change our perception of our lives dramatically. Now we can live from a place of empowerment and wonder instead of from a place of obligation and difficulty. With the power of our choices we can find balance. As I sit here writing this article, I know that later I get to choose to do laundry and clean my house. I know that I get to choose to put on some loud music and dance around while I clean so that my body gets lots of movement as well as the dust and dirt that I will move to the trash can. I get to have clean clothes this week and a clean house because I choose this, and I deserve it. I get to use the opportunity to clean as a time to move my body and burn some calories so that I can enjoy feeling strong and healthy.

Later I will spend the evening relaxing outside listening to the night sounds and getting lost in a good book. I choose to make healthier choices for myself today because I deserve it. I will take care of myself physically, spiritually and emotionally not because I have to but because I want to. I will have balance in my life because that is what I choose. This is a paragraph of my life’s book today. We are the author of our life story. We can change it anytime we want. We may not have the power to erase what we have already written, but we have the power to choose what we write next. It is our choice whether or not we take care of ourselves emotionally, spiritually and physically. Remembering that we have the power to choose is essential to our well-being. Here is one of my favorite quotes by John Assaraf on our choices.

We don’t HAVE to do anything; we CHOOSE to do everything! Live from a place of empowerment and wonder instead of from a place of obligation and difficulty.

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