Health Benefits of Broccoli

Broccoli is full of incredible benefits.  This cruciferous vegetable is one of the healthiest foods available and scientific research proves this.

This vegetable contains sulforaphane which has been shown to kill cancer stem cells.  Broccoli also has a compound called glucoraphanin which is, a precursor to sulforaphane, which boosts cell enzymes protecting against cancer-causing chemicals.

Broccoli helps with arthritis.  Recent studies on cells, tissues and mice show that a sulfur-rich broccoli compound, sulforaphane, blocks a key destructive enzyme that damages cartilage.  Because of this broccoli may slow down or prevent osteoarthritis.

Recent studies have also found that sulforaphane normalizes DNA methlation.  Since this is a crucial part of normal cell function which allows cells to remember who they are and where they have been.  This is indispensable in regulating gene expression.  DNA methylation also suppresses the genes for things that you don’t want such as viral and other disease related genes.  Abnormal DNA methylation plays a crucial role in development of nearly all types of cancer.  Eating four servings of broccoli per week can protect men from prostate cancer according to one study.  During this study tissue samples were collected and the men who ate broccoli showed hundreds of beneficial changes in genes known to fight cancer.

Other studies have shown that broccoli may significantly improve blood pressure and kidney function. 

The sulforaphane in broccoli may also stimulate antioxidant defense pathways in the body so that it can reduce oxidative stress.  This can slow down the age-related decline in your immune system.  Perhaps this means that eating vegetables that contain sulforaphane such as broccoli could slow down aging.

Other vegetables that contain sulforaphane are broccoli sprouts, which, of the cruciferous vegetables, have the highest concentration of sulforaphane. It is also found in Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, bok choy, kale, collards, Chinese broccoli, broccoli raab, kohlrabi, mustard, turnip, radish, arugula and watercress.

The blood vessels are also protected by sulforaphane through the production of enzymes. Sulforaphane encourages production of these enzymes. It also reduces the number of molecules that cause cell damage by up to 73%. 

Sounds like we all should eat more broccoli and also other vegetables that contain sulforaphane.

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