Why Juice

Consuming fresh juice is better than taking any nutritional supplement.Juicing is a way to consume highly nutritious food easily. There are so many benefits to juicing that it doesn’t make sense not to juice. Consuming fresh juice is better than taking any nutritional supplement. Fresh juices are live liquid nutritional supplements. When consuming juice there is no danger of an overdose, or imbalance that supplementation can cause.

Green juices are mineral rich and they are the most effective hydrator for your body. Since we are a nation of dehydrated people this is a phenomenal benefit. Fresh juice includes many nutrients which assist with our bodies’ electrical conductivity. And since we are the body electric this is extremely important. These juices also contain the building blocks that we need for tissue healing and repair.

When we separate the juice from the fiber we are able to get more of the nutrients out of the food and we are able to assimilate the nutrients rapidly and easily. An added bonus is that there is less digestive work for the body which means more energy for us. Fresh juice is whole food based which means you benefit from the natural synergistic effects of the respective vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals that are present in food.

Fresh juice is raw food. We have often discussed the benefits of a raw food diet. But as a reminder, raw food diets lead to better health, higher energy levels, faster recovery from illness and they also slow the aging process. And all of these benefits have been proven by science.

Juicing is a way to get a significant amount of raw food into your diet easily which will give you all the benefits of a raw food diet. And the fresh juice is assimilated into your body within 20 to 30 minutes.

Dump the coffee, talk about a much better high!

If you are a healthy individual juicing will take your health to a new level. Fresh juices are an elemental tool in restoring health if you are not healthy. The best flu shot you can take is fresh juice as it is an immune boosting miracle.

Start juicing today; it is simple, fast and so effective. Start with a base of cucumber and celery add a green apple, spinach and you will have a refreshing drink. Then just experiment-add garlic and you have a very different taste. Or add ginger and wake up those taste buds. Soon you will find your body craving your morning glass of green juice!



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