Juicing Guidelines

By Jean Sumner

green-juice-769129_640Juicing is a great way to increase your body’s ability to stay well. You can also use juicing as a whole body detox. Fasting with only fresh green juice will take care of the toxins in your body rather rapidly.

But it is important to follow the guidelines below:

  1. Drink your juice within 15 minutes of preparation to receive the maximum benefit of the juice. The enzymes and oxygen are lost rapidly after juicing. Once food is chopped oxidation rapidly causes nutrient loss.
  2. Drink your juice on an empty stomach. Allow 15-20 minutes after you have consumed your juice before eating food or drinking anything else. When you mix food with fresh juice it will slow the digestion and many of the benefits of the juice will be lost.
  3. To receive the most benefit from juicing use freshest organic ingredients you can find. Buy local whenever possible. Add seasonal vegetables to your juice.
  4. Always wash your produce before using it.
  5. Consume at least 2 sixteen ounce glasses of fresh juice per day.
  6. Consumption of fruit and carrot juice should be minimal. When you eliminate the fiber from sweeter vegetables and fruit you can create an imbalance in the body and a surge in blood sugar.
  7. Add cayenne pepper to your juice. Cayenne pepper will boost your circulation and your metabolism. Start slow, just a pinch until you become accustomed to the taste.
  8. Consume a fiber-rich, plant-based diet along with juicing. There are numerous studies that indicate that humans thrive on a whole food plant-based diet, and that animal products cause disease. Get Dr. Esselstyne’s book, “Preventing and Reversing Heart Disease” written by Dr. Caldwell Esselstyne will provide you with more information about consuming a whole food plant- based diet

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