Savor Simple Pleasures

Be here nowDo you spend time paying close attention to simple pleasures. It is simply amazing how taking the time to notice a bird, that the sky is so blue or that the clouds are so white and fluffy will bring you joy. When you bring your attention to the simple things around you, it forces your mind to be in the moment. Therefore you are not rehashing the past or worrying about the future, instead, you are just enjoying the present moment.

We have all experienced the joy of sitting on the edge of a lake or better yet, sitting on the beach of the ocean and only focusing on the water. This is so relaxing and will take away all of your stress. Many spiritual teachers will call this being present in the moment or being here NOW! When you are in the NOW you are focusing your thoughts and energy on what is happening right now. When you focus on the present you will experience life differently. This will take some practice. But the process of becoming better at being present in the moment is a journey and it will take some time. You will find with practice you will be able to be in the present moment more often and this will definitely bring you joy.

Not only will paying attention to what is happening in this moment give you joy but also it will bring you improved health. When we are caught up in thinking about the future or the past we waste the present! When we are looking forward or backward we spend the time worrying or getting stressed. When we are able to stay focused on the present our breathing and thought patterns become calmer, our attitude and behavior becomes more peaceful and essentially we become happier. Happiness and stress reduction have been scientifically proven to be very healthy for you. And happy people live healthier lives.

There are many ways to practice savoring the present moment.

1. Meditation helps train the mind to focus on the now. There are a number of guided meditations you may access for free on the internet. If your mind wanders, do not be too hard on yourself, just bring it back and focus on the meditation.

2. You can focus on your breathing. Pay attention to the in breath then the out breath, when you focus on breathing you are definitely in the NOW.

3. Take a walk and work on noticing each plant, animal or person you come in contact with on the walk, this practice will keep you focused on what is happening in this moment.

Pay Attention, when you can’t find something you will know that you were not in the present moment when you put it away. This is always a good barometer as to how you are doing, when you are able to recall where things are on a more frequent basis you will know that you are improving on your quest to stay in the now. And this will bring you a lot of joy!!!!


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As Jean pursued alternative methods of treating cancer she met countless individuals who had great stories to tell regarding how nutrition, spirituality and exercise helped them to overcome their various illnesses. Since these stories were moving, motivating and timely she thought that each of these stories may make a difference in others’ lives. With the knowledge that we learn from stories more quickly than other teaching methods an organization was born in hopes to make a difference in the well-being of every individual on the planet.

Prior to Jean’s involvement with World Wellness Education she was a bank manager.  With the significant change that was going on in the banking industry, Jean learned that her staff did much better with change if they took it one step at a time.  She has now transferred this learning to the Wellness industry and created small weekly changes that one can make which will lead up to a significant amount of positive change by the end of the year.

This information is not meant to be medical advice. No action or inaction should be taken solely on the contents of this information. Instead, you should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to your health and well-being.


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